Market Research Report

Market Research Report is a tool for the acquisition community. One-stop shop for prices and supplier risk scores for previous buys.

  • Risk detail supplied by agency.
  • Provides one or more reasons for the item to be considered High Risk.
  • Displays suggested mitigation strategies based on agency policies.
  • Purchase History Table lists: CAGE, Dates the item was Purchased, Unit Price, Average Price, and Average Price Comparison.
  • Purchase History Chart shows the upper and lower bounds (control limits) of the Predicted Range ±2 standard deviations. The chart shows Historical Prices plotted over the expected range of prices.

Reference Materials

Watch Market Research Report Tutorial

Market Research Reports Tutorial

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This tutorial describes how users may conduct market research by entering a material ID number (NSN, IBSN, UPC, GS1, or, Manufacturer CAGE and Part Number).

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